Development of a microflow system for automated analysis of the dynamic stereochemical behavior of organic molecules.

Development of a microflow system for automated analysis of the dynamic stereochemical behavior of organic molecules.
We have developed a microflow system that enables rapid and precise automated analysis of the rate of racemization of dynamic chiral molecules.
By expanding the measurement range of kinetic analysis using this micro-flow method, the stereochemical behavior of dynamic chiral molecules can be evaluated more precisely.
By deepening our understanding of the dynamic behavior of molecules, we can expect to develop new methods for the preparation of optically active chiral molecules and the development of pharmaceuticals and functional materials based on the dynamic behavior of molecules.
The University has also issued a press release.
An automated microflow measurement system for the kinetic study of racemization of dynamic chiral molecules was developed. This system facilitated the analysis of fast racemization within several seconds at elevated temperatures owing to its rapid heating ability, high performance for controlling short residence times, and ease of connection to HPLC systems for direct measurement of the enantiomeric purity. A more precise analysis was realized by combination of microflow and common batch measurements over a broad range of temperatures.
Paper Information
- Title:
- Author:
- Journal name:
- DOI:
- Analysis of Stereochemical Stability of Dynamic Chiral Molecules Using an Automated Microflow Measurement System
- Kazunobu Igawa, Shusaku Asano, Yuki Yoshida, Yuuya Kawasaki, Katsuhiko Tomooka
- The Journal of Organic Chemistry